A smart, affordable strategy to help protect your health and financial future.

We offer an extensive array of supplemental insurance coverage to help you bridge the gap between deductibles and certain costs and expenses that typical health insurance doesn’t cover.  Some supplemental policies pay cash directly to you, so you can decide how best to use the benefit.  Our professional consultants can help you determine which policies are best for your needs, lifestyle and finances.

Click the toggles below to learn more about the Supplemental Plans we offer.

Dental and Vision Plans

Individual and family dental plans or policies are relatively inexpensive but can go a long way in promoting your overall health. Studies have shown that regular dental exams can not only optimize oral health to prevent cavities and bad breath, they also detect serious medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Some studies have even shown that people who have dental insurance suffer less from depression, than those who do not have coverage.

Dental plans can range from a PPO or HMO to Pre-Paid, Fee-for-Service, and Discount on a variety of diagnostic and preventative care services including cleanings, exams, x-rays, fillings, orthodontia for children, and emergency care while traveling.

Vision Plans allow you to take care of your eyes with coverage that can be purchased separately or combined with your major medical insurance. Similar to individual dental policies, vision plans are inexpensive and save money on routine exams, eyeglass frames and lenses, contacts, and even discounts on procedures like LASIK. Monitoring your eye health with regular exams also helps to prevent serious eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts and also helps to detect early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Disability Insurance

One of the most important coverage after health insurance to ensure your financial protection is Disability Income Insurance. While you are in your working years, your most valuable asset is your ability to earn a living.

However, statistics show that our chances are greater of becoming disabled than dying between the ages of 25 & 45.

During the time you are unable to work due to a qualifying disability (illness or injury), the replacement of your regular income through the monthly benefit provided by disability insurance helps to maintain your pre-disability lifestyle. Workplaces often provide standard short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD) insurance to meet federal guidelines. Individual disability income insurance can be customized to meet your needs and considers your occupation, age, income and other factors in determining your cost and monthly benefit payment amount.

Individuals not offered disability through their employer and self-employed individuals who desire disability coverage, can purchase policies.

Those who have disability insurance through their workplace, may wish to consider a “wrap around” disability policy to supplement their employer provided coverage.

Long Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care (LTC) recipients are not “sick” in the traditional sense. Instead they are unable to perform some or all of the activities of daily living such as: dressing, bathing, eating, getting in/out of bed, toileting, walking or other basic activities. Long-term care encompasses a wide array of services that fall under two general categories – skilled care and personal care.

  • Skilled care is provided when recovering from an illness or an injury.
  • Personal care helps maintain the daily activities and functions of life.

Long-term care is usually not medical care and generally does not require a doctor or a nurse.The need for LTC is not always age related. Although more than half of all individuals age 65 & over will need LTC at some point, it is important to note that roughly 40% of those receiving LTC today are between the ages of 18 and 64.* It is never too early to plan for long-term care.

Long-Term Care services generally are not covered, or covered only minimally, by health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. The cost of LTC can quickly drain even a large estate and burden those closest to you both financially and emotionally. Long-Term Care insurance can avoid those difficult situations, as well as enabling you to maintain control of your care and your choice of the facilities that best suit your needs, instead of allowing welfare or the government to make your LTC decisions for you. You should be aware that Disability Income Insurance is not designed to cover LTC expenses, but simply replaces part or all of your income during your working years should you become disabled. You need specific coverage to pay for long-term care needs.

LTC Insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that you and your family have the resources for LTC services. Here are examples of what LTC policies may cover:

  • Institutional Care: Nursing home, assisted living services residential care facility, hospice care, adult foster home, respite care and more.
  • Home Care: Home health care, adult day care, personal care, homemaker services, hospice care, respite care and more.



*LTC statistic source:  National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care Information, 2008

Critical Illness Cash Plan or Cash Cancer Plan

Critical Illness and/or Cancer Insurance is a special type of coverage that helps to reduce the personal financial impact of developing and battling common types of critical illnesses, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and more. With the advancements in modern medical technology, Critical Illness insurance is an increasing popular supplemental health insurance policy that allows you to focus more on recovery and less on the financial burden of a critical illness event or diagnosis.  These policies pay cash to you or your designee to help with unexpected expenses after a first diagnosis of a covered cancer, or after a covered sickness, such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer or other serious illness.

Accident Benefit Plan

Accidents can happen anytime. Accident Insurance is very affordable and provides benefits in addition to your regular health insurance and/or disability insurance, in the case of a accidental injury. This type of policy reimburses when you have accident related out-of-pocket expenses.